They Put a BMX Bowl Under a Hot Air Balloon

Don’t ask why—just enjoy it!

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 month ago in Wow

Don’t ask why—just enjoy it!

Don’t ask why — just enjoy it!

You’d think that, at this point, most of the stunts that can be done have already been done. We’ve already jumped from space and scaled the world’s tallest mountains. What else do you want us to do? Jump from *deeper* into space?

Some people see this long history of daredevilness as a challenge. There may not be that many original avenues left to explore in the stunt world, but what if you combined a few different ones? For example, what if you built a BMX bowl, had it hang under a hot air balloon, then got a BMX rider to do tricks in it?

Well, that would be an oddly specific request, but someone actually did it. And before you ask, yes, of course Red Bull was behind this. When do they have the time to actually make drinks?

Kriss Kyle riding a BMX bowl under a hot air balloon
byu/redbullgivesyouwings innextfuckinglevel
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